All wands are now made on a commision only basis.

Please contact us via the contacts page to discuss your requirements for bespoke light tool.

Please be aware that in order to co-create a wand or light tool for you and your journey

there will be a considerable investment in time and resources.

    Simple Spiral Wands
Small Spiral Wands


These are unadorned Selenite wands with hand carved spirals running down them. The work in a similar fashion to the spirals on some of the master wands but the energy of the Selenite is not augmented with additional stones or copper wires. The energy flow is much more focused compared to the flat wands used for the auric sweep technique.


Various made to measure.


Out of Stock

    Ornate Spiral Wands
Spiral Wands


These are unadorned Selenite wands with hand carved spirals running down them. These wands have a carved handle and shaft and are a variation on the simple spiral wands. The work in a similar fashion to the spirals on some of the master wands but the energy of the Selenite is not augmented with additional stones or copper wires. The energy flow is much more focused compared to the flat wands used for the auric sweep technique.


Various made to measure.


Out of Stock



We pride ourselves on the quality and speed of our response and will normally answer any enquiry within 3 days. However on occasion we are away from the workshop for several weeks so please allow 28 days for delivery or communication.


We are aware that our work is a large investment , and can now offer the following as means of spreading the payment

Credit Cards

We can now accept a credit card exchange through Paypal - just use the paypal button to purchase.

if you don't have an account details at


We can accept international money orders IMO's in £ sterling or personal or business cheques in Stirling.

For UK customers we can accept a series of Post Dated cheques supported with a cheque guarantee card

please e-mail us for details.

Alternatively a deposit will secure your wand until you have saved the full exchange.