The Wand Workshop - Working with the Selenite Wand.
What is Selenite?
Gypsum occurs naturally as colourless to white tabular (column like) or needle like crystals, and is sometimes found coloured with impurities. When finely granular it is known as alabaster, and when fibrous, selenite. Although very soft, selenite is prized as a semi-precious mineral, and is a valuable tool for healing. Selenite enables one to achieve clarity of mind, and gain higher awareness. Fashioned as a wand, it will transmit electro-magnetic energy such as visible light along its length (very much like a bundle of optical fibres), and not surprisingly therefore, transmits Reiki and similar healing energies. In the hands of a healer, a selenite wand can be used as a "psychic sword" for healing and related energy work.
Aura Cleansing.
This is an excellent way to quickly and effectively restore balance and healing to the aura of your client.
- Gently and slowly rotate your client on the spot, moving with him/her, until a "sticking point" is felt - like the tightening of a watch spring as the watch is wound. If you go beyond this, return to the point of maximum resistance to movement.
- Cleanse your wand by blowing from the hand to the end of the wand, visualising cleansing and transmutation in violet light.
- Starting at the Crown above your client's head, and sweeping down across the front of the body, "comb" your client's auric field following the body's contour about an inch from the surface
- Sweep down to the floor, touching the floor with the full length of the wand, and then sweep away from your client by a few inches.
- Blow across the wand on each occasion to cleanse, and transmute in violet light as before.
- Repeat as you move around your client in a clockwise fashion. It is important to ensure that all of the body surface / aura has been swept. This is usually achieved with six sweeps of a reasonable sized wand. Failure to do so may leave your client feeling lop-sided and un-balanced.
Your client may experience being "pulled towards" the wand as you do this, and may even feel "lighter" afterwards.
Intuitive Body Scanning.
- Rest the end of the wand across your forefinger, and hold it in balance with the tip of your thumb. With arm outstretched and standing about four or five feet behind your client, slowly sweep the wand upwards from between your client's feet, up through the chakras, to about 18 inches above your client's Crown Chakra.
- Repeat in front of your client.
During the scanning, be aware of any resistance to the wand's upward, progressive sweeping, and be vigilant and receptive to any intuitive detection of mental, emotional or physical traumas. If appropriate, discuss your findings with your client afterwards.
NB. This is not a method for diagnosis, and should only be considered diagnostic if medically qualified to do so. REMEMBER: Work with responsibility and integrity. Do not point a wand at anyone unless you intend to heal.
Our thanks to Paul and Alexandria Walsh Roberts who taught us this technique Life of Light
The Wand WorkshopSeptember 1999
We craft a range of plain polished wands which are ideal for this technique, the spiral and master wands are a little two focussed for the sweep but are great for scanning and removing energy blocks. If you would like to order a plain polished wand see Current wands